These are the instructions on how to update or change the Itinerant Teacher biographies.
1. Go to the Itinerant Music teacher home page.
2. Create a new Subfolder, and select 'PAC Biography' as the template.
3. go to 'Browse Resources' and find the new folder that you just created. Select the folder, and click on 'Home Page' to edit the home page for that new Biographies page.
4. Post an image for the Biography. Use the photo of the person, and give the Image a name which is the name of the person. Click on Post Image to complete.
5.Adjust the size of the Image using the levels button.
6. Enter the Biography text as required, including the Qualifications and Biography text. Save the page.
7. Back on the Itinerants Home page, set the URL hyperlink by editing the Itinerant staff table. Select the name of the person, and click on the 'Hyperlink' button. Use the 'Browse' button to find the new folder/home page you created.
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