Most pages in myCollege are linked to classes in Synergetic. This applies to academic classes and co-curricular groups.
If the page you have in myCollege is for an activity which needs to appear on a student's report, you must manage this as a class in Synergetic. Do not create a group in myCollege.
If you are a Group Admin in myCollege, you can
- add other people to the group
- modify permissions of other people in the group
- remove people from the group
To add a person to a group
- Go to the page which you want to change permissions for
- Click the 3-dot menu and choose Manage Group
- Type the person's name into the Search users... field. This will search as you type
- Check the box next to the person you want to add
- Click Add Members
To modify a person's permissions in the group
- Go to the page which you want to change permissions for
- Click the 3-dot menu and choose Manage Group
- In the list of Current Members, choose the rights you want to give a person from the Access drop-down menu
To remove a person from a group
- Go to the page which you want to change permissions for
- Click the 3-dot menu and choose Manage Group
- In the list of Current Members, tick the box next to the person you want to remove from the group
- Click Remove Member to remove them from the group
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