1. Open your MyCollege page
2. Click on the add button in the top right hand corner
3. Select 'Folders' from the Resources tab.
4. Unlock your page in the top right hand corner and then move your folders component to where you want it on the page.
5. Click where it says 'Add a folder or page'
6. Name your Folder something meaningful, and where it says 'Homepage Template' select 'Image Galleries'. (If you leave this blank and forget to add a template, the folder will just be a folder symbol and will do odd things.)
6a. Click Create Folder
7. Your folder will now show up in the Folders list.
8. Now click the Add button in the top right hand corner again.
9. Add the Image slide show component from the Multimedia Tab.
10. You will now have a Slideshow component showing on your page.
11. Unlock your page if it has locked by accident
12. Now click the gear symbol in the top of the slideshow component.
13. Choose the timing of the image changing and give the slideshow a title.
14. Now click 'Browse'.
15. Navigate to the folder you made just before, and click 'Use this folder'.
16. If your photos are sitting on your desktop, you can now drag the image straight into the slideshow box.
17. If the photos are in your Google Drive, follow the instructions below.
18. Open your Google Drive folder that contains the photos.
19. Right click on the name and select download
20. Open your downloads folder and unzip the file.
21. Drag the new unzipped folder from your downloads to the image slideshow box and let go.
22. Delete the zipped file and the extra file of unzipped photos from your downloads folder to the bin as you no longer need them.
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