Some web content may require flash player to be installed. Please use the following if you have already installed the latest flash player from Self Service or Adobe's website, and the content is still not displaying
Google Chrome
- Go to chrome://settings in the URL bar
- In the search box, type Flash
- Go to Content Settings, then Flash
- Beside the word Allow, click Add
- Enter the address of the website that you need to access that is needing flash player enabled (note that some sites may need more than one address)
- Reload the page that was not working and check that it is working
- In the Safari menu, go to Preferences
- Select the Website tab
- In the left menu, scroll to the bottom and find Adobe Flash Player in the list.
- If it is not there, launch self service and install Flash player from the front page
- Ensure that the box next to Flash play is checked
- Set all of the drop-down boxes to On for the Currently Open Websites, as well as the one in the bottom right of the window, called When visiting other websites.
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